RUSSIA Taking Over the ARCTIC?

Western space programs use the largest global satellite base station, located on Svalbard island off the coast of Norway, to collect important signals from...

America RESPONDING to Poland Missile Strike?

The United States and other Western nations have reacted strongly after a missile killed two men in a town in US ally Poland amid...

HE’S Running: TRUMP Launches 2024 Bid For POTUS

Putting a stop to months of rumors, on Tuesday, former President Donald Trump officially announced his candidacy for president in 2024, an effort to...

GOP’s BIGGEST DONORS Turn Against Trump

American democracy has many problems. One of them is that money has a huge influence on politics. Corporate and personal donors get a major say...


Chris Christie is a failed presidential candidate and an unpopular governor who used to be one of Trump's top allies. Now Christie senses the mood...


Russia has attacked Europe. This is not a drill. Reports of a Russian missile strike have been confirmed as of Tuesday evening. Two are listed...

BUSTED: US Military HELPING China?

The US military is practically financing indirectly its biggest enemy, the armed forces of Communist China. The reason is that US service personnel’s Thrift Savings...

INFERTILITY is Threatening Human Survival

After discovering that the rates of infertility are rising, experts have cautioned that humans could confront a reproductive catastrophe if no effort is made...

TRUMP DEAL with Rich Saudis

The Trump family has reached an agreement with a Saudi-based real estate firm to permit its title to a residential and golf complex that...

BIBLICAL PROPHECY? Kari Lake Fights for Her Political Life

Kari Lake fans marched seven times around the Maricopa County Tallying and Election Center in Phoenix on Saturday, blasting trumpets and singing "Awesome God." They...
