Tourist Attacked After Ascending El Castillo Mayan Temple

A foreigner in Mexico infuriated locals by ascending the stairway of a Mayan temple. The unidentified woman was spotted dancing at the peak of El...

GOP Serving REVENGE on Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi is stepping down as Speaker of the House in January. Although she plans to continue serving as a Congresswoman for California's 12th District,...

BIG UPDATE in Gretchen Whitmer Kidnap Case

In October of 2020, 13 males were arrested and charged in a kidnapping conspiracy. Authorities said they had been planning to abduct Michigan's Democrat Governor...

Creepy Joe Strikes Again, Peeking at Young Girls through Window

Democrat President Joe Biden, who is known not only as Sleepy Joe but also as “Creepy Joe” for his inappropriate behavior with girls and...

7,000 Vile Pedophiles Set Loose from California’s Prisons

More than 7,000 absolutely vicious convicted pedophiles – many of them for rape of young children – have been released out on the streets...


This story might seem like a lie but it is not! It's no secret that the Biden administration is not doing well, but things have...

San Francisco to Deploy Remote-Controlled Robots

Authorities in San Francisco decided on Tuesday to allow local cops to use possibly deadly, remote-operated robots in disaster situations, after an extremely heated debate...

Russian Tyrant Putin ‘Soils Himself,’ Literally

Russia’s presumably tough, though certainly bloodthirsty dictator Vladimir Putin, has just suffered an incident in which he fell a flight of stairs and soiled...

Drag Queens Ramp Up Security After Mass Shooting

Based on a report, after the horrific shooting at an LGBTQ+ venue in Colorado last month, a few of America's most famous drag queens...

This Southwestern State is Running Into Massive New Crisis

Real estate has always been a key part of our economy and growth. In the Southwest there's plenty of demand for new land and...
