COVID-19 was “genetically engineered” through gain of function research and indeed leaked from the city of Wuhan in Communist China. Further, the US government is...

This Southwestern State is Running Into Massive New Crisis

Real estate has always been a key part of our economy and growth. In the Southwest there's plenty of demand for new land and...

Republican Candidate Calls for ARMED REVOLT

Left wing journalist Matt Taibbi has been shunned by many of his colleagues over the past few years. The reason is that Taibbi actually cares...

Biden Dictated Twitter’s Censoring of Hunter Laptop Story, Musk-Leaked Docs Reveal

Joe Biden’s team and other Democrats practically dictated Twitter’s censoring of the revelations from Hunter Biden’s lost laptop in the fall of 2020, right...

Musk Releases Evidence That Twitter Censored Hunter Biden Laptop Story Without Cause

Twitter "just freelanced" its unfounded judgment to regulate The Post's controversial Hunter Biden laptop story in the weeks before the 2020 election. This comes according...

Drag Queens Ramp Up Security After Mass Shooting

Based on a report, after the horrific shooting at an LGBTQ+ venue in Colorado last month, a few of America's most famous drag queens...

WATCH: Trump Issues Warning About COMMUNIST THREAT Inside USA

Former President Trump is now issuing a warning about the future of America. It came in the context of defending patriots who are under attack...

Top GOP Insider Issues WARNING About Biden’s Next Move

According to GOP insider and former POTUS candidate Newt Gingrich, President Biden is doing better than many on the right would like to admit. For...

Russian Tyrant Putin ‘Soils Himself,’ Literally

Russia’s presumably tough, though certainly bloodthirsty dictator Vladimir Putin, has just suffered an incident in which he fell a flight of stairs and soiled...

New PRIVACY INFRINGEMENT from TSA Will Have Your Skin Crawling

Do you trust the federal government? If your answer is anything less than "yes, 100%," then the following story will scare the pants off you. The...
