Competent Government Advocates Ask States to Stop Biden’s Election Hijack


There is no need for governors and other state authorities to remain passive while the Biden administration seeks a federal takeover of elections.

In recent communication to state officials, this is the message given by the leaders of two good government organizations.

Power Grab

According to Tarren Bragdon of the Foundation for Government Accountability and Russ Vought of the Institute for Renewing America, the Biden presidency wants to utilize federal public funds for political and get-out-the-vote reasons.

Now, it is up to good leaders in local and state governments to stop them. They urgently encourage people in positions of authority to immediately oppose President Biden’s power grab.

On March 7, 2021, President Biden signed an executive order that instructed all 600 government departments to provide a strategy to the White House to enhance both voter registration and voter turnout.

After this, a number of government agencies devised a plan to turn existing federal buildings, especially those that already provide national services, into places where people could register to vote.

Housing and Urban Development, for instance, is attempting to transform assisted housing sites into voting centers.

The Department of Health and Human Services follows suit with its public health facilities. Even when labor issues spiral out of hand, the Department of Labor transforms its American Job Centers into voter registration offices.

The agencies are permitted to collaborate with voting groups authorized by left-wing supporters in the White House, like the Zuckerbucks conspiracy to disrupt the 2020 election by operating get-out-the-vote functions in Democrat-dominated battleground states.

Backdoor Strategy

According to what Vought and Bragdon said, this strategy is a “backdoor way to make sure the Democrats win in 2022 and later elections.”

The two urge that state authorities take preventative measures against Biden’s scheme. The National Voting Rights Act gives individual states the right to select voter registration institutions in addition to those that are currently mandated by federal law.

Therefore, the national government is unable to designate more agencies unless Congress makes an amendment to existing federal law.

Accordingly, when federal agencies submit guideline memos to state agencies about transforming national advantage hubs into voter registration organizations, Vought and Bragdon advise state officials to contact the government agencies.

From here, state officials are advised to “order them not to enforce these guidelines because it is a crime at worst and ethically questionable and partisan at best.”

In addition, they remind states that governors or legislatures can stop state agencies from seeking to become voting registration agencies by executive order or legislation.

Bragdon and Vought argue, “President Biden is becoming increasingly brazen in his use of a loyal federal bureaucracy to use the influence and power of the national government to rig politics by raising Democratic voter registration and turnout.”

They are worried because the Department of Justice filed lawsuits in the past against conservative plans to make elections more honest and harder to cheat in.


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