Democrat Senator Scott Wiener Outs Himself as a Groomer

"Carrera Drag CDMX" by Ana Karenina

Twitter was shaken earlier this week when a California state senator proposed educating children on “drag queen“ culture be added into the K-12 curriculum.

This absurd comment came as a response to Texas Rep. Bryan Slaton’s announcement of a bill prohibiting children from attending drag shows that is right around the corner.

This apparently didn’t sit with Senator Scott Wiener, who is likely to be referred to as “groomer approver“ from this point on.

“Carrera Drag CDMX” by Ana Karenina

Drag queen story time speaks for itself

According to his press team, Wiener’s remarks were a joke.

Yet, if we’ve got a situation where actual drag shows for children are being organized in the US, it’s definitely no laughing matter.

The right-leaning crowd was well aware of this.

They criticized Wiener on Twitter, quote retweeting his post and sharing their opinions on it, with Matt Walsh, a bestselling author, calling him and his followers a bunch of groomers.

The famous LibsOfTikTok account added in a separate post that a similar thing is happening in NYC. Here, a “drag organization” is spending taxpayer dollars to teach elementary school kids how to apply makeup.

This makes it only one in a series of LGBT-related drag promotions that have taken the country by storm in the past couple of weeks.

Slaton claimed he felt the bill was necessary the moment the Dallas children’s drag show footage was leaked.

Texas Rep. Slaton fights back

Slaton added what happened in Dallas is only the beginning of a disturbing trend where the left will be in full support of adults obsessing over and sexualizing minors.

If that’s not enough to convince you, just take a look at the dozens of proposals certain members of the LGBT community made.

They have been demanding that pedophiles be integrated into our society as “minor-attracted persons,” with most of them pushing for a lowering of the age of consent.

Slaton, a father of two assured he’d never even consider taking either of his children to a drag show, often referred to as a “drag race.” He’s convinced none of his Republican colleagues would either.

The Texas official was actually re-elected on account of his promises to protect the state’s children, as well as America’s traditional values.

He’s adamant about keeping that promise through legislation that would prevent Texas children from being exposed to such inappropriate content.

Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for minors in California.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed announced a “drag laureate” program where “performers“ would be paid a $35k stipend to promote the city’s LGBTQ, art, and nightlife culture.

This means sooner or later, kids in San Francisco will be introduced to this “culture“ at elementary school age, making Wiener’s statement on “Drag Queen Story Time“ more of a foreshadowing than a joke.


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