Democrats Already Calling Russian Interference Over November Election


Senate Democrats, sensing disaster in the November elections, are hurling charges of suspected Russian meddling, laying the framework for an excuse if they lose at the polls.

They Are So Predictable

17 Democrats in Congress, led by former Democrat candidate Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), as well as Jack Reed (D-RI), issued a letter to the Biden government’s highest-ranking domestic security officials, advising of Russian electoral intervention in 2022.

They wrote to the Secretaries of Defense and Domestic Security, as well as the FBI Director, Director of National Intelligence, Director of National Security Agency, and the Commander of the United States Central Command.

“Experts” have “alerted the surge in Russian disinformation and cyber attacks constitutes a security problem for US elections,” according to the statement.

“It is essential the national government does everything within its authority to maintain the authenticity of our election results against external enemies,” the legislators wrote after citing Russian interference in the 2016 and 2020 American elections.

The memo made no reference to Iran’s meddling in the 2020 election in order to undermine ex-President Trump’s prospects at winning a second term in the White House.

The same ODNI study stated that China did not intervene in the 2020 election, despite the communist regime’s serious consideration of influential activities.

William Evanina, Director of the National Military intelligence and Security Center, declared the following in an August 2020 Trump administration statement:

“We believe China would prefer that President Trump, whom Beijing regards as unpredictable, not be re-elected.”

“China has been stepping up its influence activities in the run-up to November 2020 in order to create the policy climate in the US, push political personalities it sees as being hostile to China’s interests, and deflect and rebut criticism of the country.”

CNN Can See the Warning Signs

Democrats are still preparing for a bloodbath in the midterm elections.

The gloomy clouds that have hung over the party have only grown darker in recent weeks, raising the possibility of another “shellacking” as President Obama predicted when his party lost the House majority by scores of seats in the 2010 midterm elections.

Since the beginning of President Biden’s administration, it has been evident the midterm elections would be a disaster.

After all, he started his administration with razor-thin majorities in both the House and the Senate. Biden also made it clear that he didn’t really want to work with Republican lawmakers all that much.

Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia stymied Biden’s agenda by opposing the Build Back Better measure, while conservatives stalled the John Lewis Voting Rights Act in the Senate.

To make matters worse, according to a recent Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs poll, only 39% of Americans approve of Biden’s performance, the lowest level of approval for his administration.


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