Democrats Shifted Their Midterms Campaign Focus


Top Democratic leadership is now desperate to win the November elections.

They claim the future of the party’s agenda depends on the outcome of the midterms after the Supreme Court ruling to restrict abortion.

Liberal politicians are even tricking emotional people to get the money out of their pockets under the cover of the Supreme Court ruling.

Democrats Craving a November Win

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, President Biden, and other top-tiered leaders of Democrats are worried about two important decisions of the Supreme Court: a ruling to allow handguns in public and another to restrict abortion access.

Right after the landmark verdict, President Biden noted only Congress holds authority to codify abortion rights into federal law.

However, Biden continued, Democrats do not have the required numbers in the legislature to codify Roe. So, he pushed Americans to vote for pro-choice politicians in the midterm elections in order to “secure women’s rights.”

The president further added personal choice, freedom of expression, equality, and liberty would be on the ballot this fall.

Biden stated this decision must not be the “final word,” adding his administration will introduce different measures to increase abortion access in the country.

Pelosi was equally desperate to capitalize on the Supreme Court verdict. She wrote in her Dear Colleagues letter that Republicans successfully managed to “punish and control women” with their “despicable crusade.”

The House Speaker also emphasized Biden’s comments, adding women’s rights will be on top of the ballot this November.

Furthermore, Pelosi mentioned she would “continue to beat the drum” to increase awareness about persisting challenges and Democrats’ efforts to tackle them.

Liberal Politicians Tricking Voters 

Meanwhile, Democrats are also cashing on the SCOTUS verdict to speed up their campaign fundraising for midterms by targeting highly emotional voters.

Just some minutes after the 6-3 ruling of the top court, Pelosi’s campaign sent an email to her subscribers, urging people to contribute $15 so Democrats could “codify reproductive rights” by winning the midterms. 

Other Democrats saw it as an opportunity as well to swell their campaign funds.

Rep. David Cicilline sent emails to his supporters half an hour after the verdict, asking them to send “any amount” to block the “far-right” from curtailing abortion rights.

In addition to that, Rep. Jennifer Wexton of Virginia wrote an email asking the voters to “please” donate a “few dollars” to mobilize congressional Democrats for abortion access.

Furthermore, the re-election campaign of Democratic Senator Catherine Cortez Masto asked the voters to “rush in $5,” while Florida Democrats asked for $25 of contributions from voters.

This decision of the Supreme Court has paved the way for Democrats to campaign on abortion for the midterm elections. They may also divert people’s attention from the pressing issue of inflation.


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