Dirty Politics of Gen Z Now Pushing the Economy Into Chaos


Graduating classes of 2022 are about to enter the workforce, amid tense economic conditions and the looming recession.

However, Gen Z graduates are still bringing their politics and woke culture into the business world, which could disturb the existing corporate values, to much extent.

Gen Z Ready to Disturb Existing Economic Structure

A survey conducted by multinational corporation Deloitte revealed the willingness of Gen Z workers to change their workplace cultures with their activism.

According to the survey, which incorporated nearly 15,000 Gen Z people, the existing workers of this community already infused their own work ethics into the corporate world.

Not only this, but people of this community are also likely to turn down job offers, based on their personal politics.

These students are replicating superficially attractive progressive beliefs, which dominated most schools in recent years.

Many students made headlines recently for their involvement in liberal and immature acts on campuses, inducing shouting at guest speakers they do not like.

Similarly, these woke students also try to take on their fellow students, and even professors, who do not believe in their ideologies.

Last year, a survey even found almost 69% of American students wanted to report so-called “offensive” speech to higher administration.

Thus, experts believe the universities are also forced to comply with students’ beliefs, which is undermining much-needed development of conflict resolution skills in liberal youth.

Many bosses have also reported Gen Z workers are extremely likely to ask for days off for cramps and periods of anxiety.

Similarly, they pressure their companies to publically take liberal stances on issues like BLM.

Gen Z Transformed Corporate Work Culture

Even though most Gen Z workers are joining the workforce in recent years, 37% of such people have stated they rejected job offers because of their personal ethics.

Almost 33% of workers even claimed they are willing to leave their existing jobs without any new offers, if their employers go against their personal beliefs.

This sort of political workforce is also pushing companies to take radical stances, which are dangerous for their businesses and hence the economy of the country.

One such case was seen in Disney’s approach to resisting Florida’s education bill, which encouraged the state government to cancel its special status.

While Disney was reluctant to take a stance against the gender identity bill, its liberal workforce urged the company to denounce the bill, resulting in a big loss.

Another company. SoulCycle, which is owned by Equinox, faced strike threats by the radical youth, just because its owner supported Donald Trump’s reelection.

In the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, workers from nearly 500 companies staged a walkout to protest against their employers who did not publicly condemn the police. 

Likewise, Facebook workers staged a “virtual walkout” in 2020 when its owner, Mark Zuckerberg, did not censor then-President Donald Trump.


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