Fuming Abortionist Democrats Cry Out For Packing SCOTUS, Killing Filibuster


Democrats are dying to start “packing” SCOTUS with communist justices and abolishing the filibuster. This comes after the Supreme Court ruling taking down Roe v. Wade.

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The new ruling, which does nothing other than sending the issue of abortion back to the state level, has been met with outrage from Democrats.

US Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts revealed communist Democrats are eager to carry out an internal coup within the federal government by “packing” the Supreme Court and by killing the filibuster in the US Senate.

Warren, on Sunday told ABC News’ “This Week” that SCOTUS has now lost its legitimacy with the abortion ruling.

According to the Massachusetts Democrat, the Supreme Court’s legitimacy can only be restored by adding more justices to it.

They Are Reanimating Pink to Attack ‘Old White Men’

Even though many Democrat Party strategists continue to emphasize the importance of Biden’s abject failure on the economy, Warren insisted that abortion is going to be the defining issue of the midterm elections in November.

The progressive radical ranted about how the Democrat Party only needs to win two more Senate seats in order to “get rid of the filibuster” and immediately start packing the Supreme Court.

She even mentioned that those should be John Fetterman in Pennsylvania and Mandela Barnes in Wisconsin.

Warren boasted that once Democrats manage to pack the court, which in itself would be a highly morally repugnant and legally questionable procedural move, they would be able to “protect every woman” anywhere in the United States.

She was thus insinuating that Friday’s anti-abortion decision by SCOTUS is a threat to women.

Warren’s extremist stance came after Saturday. This was when Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, told reporters that Joe Biden is against packing the Supreme Court.

This is a sorry, but still notable, attempt on his part to keep some decency in his administration, which has been almost fully dominated by the far left.

Elsewhere, the Marxist-Communist cohort activated any celebrity it could to propagate in favor of abortion.

Hollywood actor Samuel Jackson viciously attacked SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas by calling him an “Uncle Tom” on Sunday.

Not long afterward, increasingly forgotten singer Pink came out of oblivion to lash out against “sad, old white men” over Friday’s ruling.

Pink blasted the GOP for being “evil” and the party of “total lunacy, hypocrisy, ignorance.” She then tested using a good, old communist tactic of trying to pit children against their parents, while making them diehard communists – or Democrat Party loyalists.

The singer’s communist, extremist stance was swiftly ridiculed on social media by critics who pointed out nobody really listens to her music anymore.


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