Google Employee Claims the Company is Run By a “Pedophilic Doomsday Cult”

"Google ;)" by GuillermoJM

A former Google employee decided to shed some crucial information on the company.

While the tech giant is infamous for privacy breaches, a pedophile doomsday cult isn’t exactly what one would expect to hear when they’re talking about a search engine.

Kevin Lloyd, the 34-year-old employee in question, claims he was let go from his position at Google Developer Studio, due to him questioning whether the cult’s influence was swaying the company’s overall goals.

“google” by 😀

Doomsday cults, tech corporations, pretty standard stuff

In August last year, Lloyd filed a lawsuit to the Superior Court of California, stating he was removed from his position for snooping around the “Fellowship of Friends,” as the cult calls itself.

The lawsuit against the cult claims it to be destructive and malicious, with a pedophile leader who makes false prophecies regarding the apocalypse.

This isn’t exactly doing any harm until you take into account that a majority of the cult’s members work at the world’s leading internet company.

Lloyd had his first interaction with the cult in 2017. During this time, he was originally hired by Google to their Developer Studio, a position that includes the creation of advertisements and animations.

Soon after, he noticed 25 of his colleagues in the department were from a small town called Oregon House, 180 miles north of the Silicon Valley.

Naturally, Google being a large company, he decided to write it off, believing it to be a coincidence. However, after he started hearing other employees were also from the town that homes a grand total of 1,250, Lloyd realized something was off.

25 workers from a “town” with a population of 1,250

A year later, in 2018, a freelancer working at their office told Lloyd that Oregon House isn’t a real town, but rather a doomsday cult. This is a term we all hoped died out in 2012 when the Mayan prophecy proved to be false.

This caused him to start an investigation into the “Fellowship of Friends.” That led him to a dozen support groups and forums for former members recovering from trauma acquired in the Fellowship.

As it turns out, the cult was originally created in 1970 by former San Francisco school teacher Robert Earl Burton. He was found to have sexually assaulted a number of young boys; although both the 1984 and 1996 lawsuits were settled out of court.

What’s more, the cult owns a winery where members work when they’re not “studying arts and crafts.”

Google bought a substantial amount of wine from the Grant Marie Winery, a vineyard affiliated with the Fellowship, run by one of its members.

Soon after Lloyd got fired from Google, investigative journalist Jennings Brown decided to publish the fruits of his three-year-long investigation into the Fellowship of Friends, with the podcast titled “Revelations” still available on Spotify.

He found that aside from the GDS being populated by cult members, its director, Peter Lubbers, was a long-standing member of the doomsday cult, joining shortly after he immigrated to the US from the Netherlands.

However, the New York Times wasn’t going to stand for potentially violent cultists getting pushed around.

He organized an interview with Lubbers where he claimed his religious views had nothing to with the department’s hiring process.

Google also attempted to shield themselves from controversy, claiming they’re legally not allowed to ask for employees’ religious affiliations.


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