High Gas Prices Now Trigger Lower Police Presence in Communities


The problem of high gas prices has been dismissed and waved aside by the Biden administration. Multiple officials within the White House have said people who aren’t happy with today’s gas prices can simply purchase electric vehicles.

This isn’t feasible, though. For one thing, electric vehicles aren’t as readily obtainable as the White House wants people to believe. Secondly, even if they were, these vehicles are out of the budget of most Americans.

Unfortunately, this administration is so committed to its climate change agenda that it’s refusing to entertain any sort of policy that would ease gas prices.

Sadly, this crisis with gas is now reducing the readily available police presence in various communities, per Washington Examiner.

Watered Down Police Presence in Ohio

Ohio’s South Zanesville Police Department has provided some harrowing details about just how much high gas prices are impacting public safety.

In the community, patrol officers are no longer driving across the community as they once were. Instead (in the spirit of saving money on gas), officers are now being instructed to simply park in one area and then be certain their engines aren’t running.

Police Chief Mark Ross explained this is far from ideal. Officers want to ensure they’re seen in the community; although, until gas prices go down, patrol officers will be parked in singular spots.

The police chief of South Zanesville explained that if gas prices continue as they’ve been without changes to patrol operations, the department will surpass its budget.

Likewise, he pointed out the department is “strapped” and already found itself having to make budget adjustments, due to current costs of gas.

A Public Safety Crisis

Ohio is far from the only community that’s seeing law enforcement officers be adversely impacted by high gas prices.

In Michigan, some police officers can’t even afford to drive out to respond to 911 calls once they’ve been made. This is a direct threat to public safety in the United States, especially considering the overall crime jumps this country has experienced.

The Biden administration’s refusal to employ policies that would lower the costs of gas is putting innocent Americans in danger. They can talk about climate change all they want; yet, the truth of the matter is Americans need relief on gas prices today.

Current prices of gas and their impacts on public safety are all the more reason why the nation desperately needs new leadership.

This new leadership can begin to come in November 2022 during the midterm elections and then continue during the 2024 presidential election.

Are you shocked to learn high gas prices are now stopping police officers from being able to do their jobs to the best of their abilities? In the comments area, be sure to let us know.


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