Kamala Becomes Devalued Threefold at DNC Because of Sliding Popularity


Gaffe-prone Vice President Kamala Harris is plummeting in a humiliating development, due to a decision of the Democratic National Committee caused by her sliding popularity.

The Great Kamala Deflation

The DNC slashed the cost of fundraising photo ops with Harris from $15,000 down to $5,000, according to a report by Puck News.

Kamala was supposed to charge a good $15,000 per photo during a fundraiser at the Women’s Leadership Forum of the Democratic National Committee last month.

However, the event practically went down the drain, due to low interest and non-existent ticket sales.

Thus, the DNC has now cut the price of the photo ops by two-thirds, down to a meager $5,000, for an upcoming fundraiser of Biden’s veep in California later this month.

Daniel Wessel, the deputy head of communications for the DNC, sought to downplay before Fox News the deflation of Kamala Harris.

Wessel argued every fundraising event of the Democratic National Committee has “a variety of ticket levels.”

He also claimed his organization “raised record” sums of money, thanks to “help from both” Kamala and her boss, Empty Shelves Joe.

The DNC deputy communications director concluded the top body of the Democrats is going to keep doing “what clearly works well” for their party in fundraising terms.

Americans Can’t Afford Gas or Groceries

Will O’Grady, who is a spokesman for the Republican National Committee, mocked his colleagues over at the DNC for slashing the price tag of photos with Harris.

He argued if the Democrats spent less time focusing on slashing Kamala’s prices and more on fighting spiking costs in the US economy, the American people wouldn’t face an inflation crisis.

A similar message of ridiculing the DNC came from Nicole Morales, deputy national press secretary for the RNC. She said on Twitter that even though Americans are now unable to afford to buy groceries and gas, they are getting clearance on photo ops with Kamala Harris.

In the latest poll of Fox News published last week, Harris got an approval rating of only 39%, while her disapproval stood at 56%. Joe Biden’s ratings were 42% approval and 57% disapproval.

Even as she is doing about as abysmally as Kabul Joe popularity-wise, Harris is still touted as the heir apparent Joe Biden, should he decide not to run for reelection.

Speaking earlier this week in an interview for CNN, Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), the Democratic Majority Whip of the US House of Representatives, declared Kamala will be his first choice for the presidential nomination if Biden calls it quits in 2024.

His comments came after a report by The Wall Street Journal claimed the top echelons of the Democrat Party do expect Sleepy Joe to run for reelection, but aren’t exactly sure how they feel about that.

That is against the backdrop of the wide expectations that this fall’s midterms are going to be a bloodbath for the Democrats.




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