Marxist Lefties Keen on Burning America ‘to the Ground’ for July 4


Democrats chose to use the 4th of July to express their rage and hatred for America.

‘Let’s Burn This Country to the Ground for a Treat’

Left-wing activists approached this year’s July 4 being particularly riled up by the recent anti-abortion ruling of the US Supreme Court which overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

Much of the anti-American rhetoric spewed out by radical lefty extremists was focused on the heavy blow recently dealt to abortion.

However, their overarching topic was evidently hatred for America and its innate values that have made it the greatest power on Earth and the envy of the entire world.

Alisha Grauso, who is the features editor for Screen Rant, tweeted that her “mood” is “we” should “burn this country to the ground” – and do it “as a little treat.”

Randi Mayem Singer, the screenwriter for Mrs. Doubtfire, in turn wished a “happy Independence Day” only to “Old White Men.”

Dean Obeidallah, a contributor for MSNBC, tweeted SCOTUS ruined the Fourth of July with its anti-abortion ruling because it “stripped women” of their “right to personal freedom.”

Some like Luke Zaleski, who is the legal affairs editor for the company owning Vogue, The New Yorker and Vanity Fair, focused on attacking President Trump.

Zaleski fumed “Trump has taken your” Independence Day, America, as he went on to call POTUS 45 a “traitor” who caused a “domestic terror attack” against the US Capitol.

Don Winslow, a lefty writer, tweeted that present-day America is “without basic human and civil rights” and has no “fundamental freedoms or independence for women.”

They Just Canceled the Declaration of Independence

Brandi Glanville, a TV personality, tweeted she isn’t celebrating July 4 since she doesn’t feel like she’s living “in a free country anymore.”

Nina Turner, another MSNBC contributor, tweeted conservatives have “trampled on human rights” and hinted they have no right to celebrate July 4 because of that.

Meanwhile, the National Public Radio (NPR) went full anti-American, as it canceled, for the first time in 33 years, its July 4 reading of the Declaration of Independence, replacing it with a Marxist-Communist discussion on “equality.”

NPR ended up having an 11-minute-long discussion in which host Steve Inskeep and two historians pondered over their own claims that the GOP wants to impose “unequal voting power” in favor of “authoritarian rule.”

NPR was also highly Marxist-Communist on Twitter where it used the occasion of Independence Day to promote its own idea that “equal rights” in today’s America are increasingly under attack by conservatives.

Never mind that it is the Marxist-Communist left which is on an aggressive offensive and seeking to dehumanize entire groups of the American population, such as “old white men,” “white straight males,” and minorities on the political right.


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