Mass Resignations: Panic in Biden’s Press Team


President Biden is once again shaking up his White House press team, and his staffers are leaving him in big numbers.

After the departure of press secretary Jean Psaki, two more important members of the team are leaving the White House.

Biden is Done With His Press Team

Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, asserted two members of her team are leaving for their other gigs within the Biden administration.

First, Jean-Pierre noted Michael Gwin is going to join the Department of Treasury as a deputy assistant secretary for public affairs.

At the White House, he worked as the director of the Rapid Response team since the beginning of Biden’s presidency.

Jean-Pierre claimed Gwin did his job exceptionally in the “most challenging” environment, as he responded to many difficult issues.

Gwin’s “mental clarity” and willingness to solve problems made him an important member of the team, the secretary added.

Secondly, Michael Kikukawa will also be leaving the White House; he will be the spokesperson of Gwin in his new job. While calling Michael his nickname “Kiku,” Jean-Pierre stated he was a “strong engine” of the White House press team.

The unstable press team is not the only problem of Biden. Vice President Kamala Harris is getting equally frustrated with the continuous departures of her press staff members.

While the press team of the vice president was reconstructed, amid a wave of departures earlier this year, now Biden is facing the same misery.

Psaki’s Departure Urged Others

The departure of Jen Psaki as the press secretary of the White House emboldened others as well to look for alternate jobs.

For instance, the assistant press secretary of the White House, Vedant Patel, also left his job for the State Department; he is now acting as the principal deputy spokesperson of the department.

Similarly, the chief of staff of the White House press office, Amanda Finney, also left her job for the Energy Department to serve in a senior communication post.

Although the administration is claiming this is a regular media shakeup, this comes at a time when the president is struggling with his approval ratings.

Reportedly, Biden believes his press team is not putting in the much-needed work, which is required to save him from public embarrassment.

According to CNN, younger staff members of the White House are complaining older members near Biden are blocking his way to healing his ratings; they do not allow Biden to pursue a far-left agenda.

Not only this, but more than 20 African Americans left the White House since the start of Biden’s presidency, in what most people call a mass “Blaxit.”

While some black Americans left the administration on good terms, many stated the lack of mentorship and opportunity prompted them to pursue careers elsewhere.


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