National Education Association Looks to Cancel “Mother”


For many years now, teachers unions have taken a lot of criticism. These associations are notoriously against school choice, notably the concept of taxpayers’ dollars going to private schooling.

Teachers unions also stand against private school vouchers. However, many Americans view this as a conflict of interest since teachers unions are very tightly knit with the public school system.

Since 2020, teachers unions have likewise taken criticism for being very much supportive of schools shutting down due to COVID.

Even when parents and other concerned Americans mentioned that school closures were hurting children and holding them back educationally, teachers unions still largely endorsed these closures.

Now, National Education Association, the top teachers union in the nation, is under fire for trying to phase out the term “mother” with “birthing parent” as a replacement, documents Washington Examiner.

The Proposed Change From National Education Association

In proposal NBI 63, the largest teachers union said swapping out the term “mother” would be more inclusive to the LGBTQ+ community. From here, National Education Association stated “mother” could be phased out for “birthing parent.”

NBI 63 hasn’t been voted on. However, this proposal has gone viral with many people expressing strong disapproval. Many critics also warn the National Education Association is belittling and dehumanizing women with this sort of proposal.

Following this new recommendation, National Education Association and other teachers unions have been slammed as simply out of touch with the priorities and needs of American parents.

The first lady, coincidentally, is a member of the National Education Association.

When the White House was asked about the teachers unions proposal to cease using the word “mother,” press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated she wasn’t in a position to speak to the policies of this teachers union.

School Shutdowns and Bigger Fish to Fry

Many children who attend public schools that shut down in 2020 and 2021 are significantly behind, education-wise. The gap is readily apparent when comparing these students to children who go to private schools, which largely remained open.

To this day, teachers unions, National Education Association included, have not publicly acknowledged the adverse impacts that school closures had on children.

Between this, their opposition to school choice, and this latest crusade against “mother,” more Americans have come to the conclusion that teachers unions don’t really have students’ best interests at heart.

Finally, it also can’t be missed that teachers unions have a longstanding history of supporting the Democrat Party, Democratic candidates, and various left-wing policies, such as reparations.

What do you think about the latest proposal by the National Education Association? Let us know in the comments area below if you believe teachers unions today are in touch with the greatest concerns, issues, and challenges facing parents and students alike.


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