New Zealand Plans to Tax Farts


New Zealand is a British colony that’s never really abandoned its leftist roots. Unlike the United States, where we fought a revolution to get out from under the heel of tyrants, New Zealand stayed there and licked the boot.

Now, they’re reaping the whirlwind, run by a far left fanatic called Jacinda Ardern and subject to some of the worst regulations in the world. Their COVID lockdown was so strict that even some liberals wondered what was going on.

Now, the nation is moving on to its regular fixation with man-made climate change to such an extent that it plans to slap taxes on farts…cow farts, to be specific.

The New Masterplan: Taxing Cow Farts

New Zealand wants to hit its sustainable development goals and get more brownie points from its United Nations masters. Taking a look at its carbon balance sheet, Ardern’s administration decided the real culprit they need to crack down on is cows.

The new law being put forward by the liberals puts a price on cow and sheep farts. There are double the amount of cows as there are New Zealanders and quadruple the amount of sheep, so this would be a big step.

The main component being isolated here is methane, which is a large part of greenhouse gas emissions in many countries. This is especially true in New Zealand, where its milk and meat industries are massive and far outweigh the population of its people.

Over 50% of New Zealand’s carbon emissions originate in their agriculture and meat industries as methane gas.

Leftists Criticize Cows

Up until now, cows have gotten off pretty easy, and so have sheep. After all, they make the country a lot of money and their industries don’t want to see them get taxed to death.

Yet, the left-wing lobbies and environmentalists who have such influence in New Zealand want that to change. Methane is extremely powerful and is over 80 times more emission-producing than carbon dioxide.

Cow, sheep and other animal farts make up over 85% of New Zealand’s methane. Most of that methane comes from when cows breathe out, only a few percent is from their farts. However, the new plan says all of it is going to be taxed, beginning in 2025.

New Zealand’s head of climate change, James Shaw, says it will be an “effective pricing” mechanism to look at averaging out taxes per animal.

With a tiny human population of only five million, who’s to say New Zealand’s farmers will agree to this being so “effective” when it takes a big bite out of their wallets?

The Bottom Line

If New Zealand really wants to tax hot air, they should start by slapping regulations on every piece of bullcrap that comes out of Ardern’s mouth.

Leave the cows alone to fart in peace.


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