Next Supreme Court Verdict Will Further Enrage Democrats


The Supreme Court is likely to give another blow to the progressive ideology in its upcoming decision, which can drastically limit the powers of federal agencies.

In the West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) case, the top court is likely to stop the agency from making environmental regulation policies since lawmaking authority resides with Congress.

Congress to Eliminate Authoritative Practices in America

The lawsuit, in question, revolves around the authority of the EPA to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.

Back in 2015, former President Obama enacted his Clean Power Plan, which was supposed to promote green energy technologies across the United States.

However, 24 states came forward against this measure and sued the EPA for exceeding its authority, leading the court to put Obama’s plan on hold.

When Donald Trump came to the White House, he replaced this radical plan of Obama with his own Affordable Clean Energy rule. According to Trump’s EPA, the Obama administration sought sweeping actions against the power sector of the country.

So under Trump’s rules, the energy sector was empowered to control its own emissions based on its capacity, instead of sweeping green regulation across the board.

This way, the EPA was no longer mandated to force states to eliminate carbon dioxide emissions from their power plants.

If the court gives a ruling against EPA, it will give more authority to the elected Congress while snatching powers from unelected bureaucrats, who are mostly appointed based on their political inclinations.

Though the EPA will not be the only agency impacted by the forthcoming ruling. In fact, the verdict can deprive many alphabet agencies of their legislative powers, which they have abused over the years.

Green New Deal Will Die Right After SCOTUS Verdict

West Virginia is also predicting its victory in the case for the very fact that the court acknowledged the role of elected representatives in the Roe v. Wade case as well.

Instead of allowing the federal government to come up with sweeping abortion legislation, the court allowed the state governments to make the policies for their people.

This case is important for the climate ambitions of the Biden administration. The president is looking to bring down carbon dioxide emissions using his executive authority in the presence of a highly divided Congress.

Many political commentators believe this verdict can also transform the way Congress works. 

According to Liz Peek’s op-ed in Fox News, House members and senators will need to spend most of the time in D.C., which is not the case right now.

Once the court decides the case, stakeholders in different agencies are also expected to come forward to challenge the sweeping authorities of their respective agencies.

Eventually, labor laws of NLRB, alongside different decisions of CFPB, FDA, and CDC, will also be in danger.

Previously, Republican lawmakers criticized Dr. Fauci for acting as an unelected bureaucrat and controlling the lives of Americans without considering Congress’ input.


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