NRA Responds to Bipartisan Gun Control Bill


Since a string of multiple mass shootings, the political left has been pushing very hard for gun control. Democrats argue that gun control is necessary and continue to reject alternative measures like mental health care and protection reforms in schools.

In Congress, some Republican and Democratic lawmakers have been working together in order to put together a bipartisan bill pertaining to gun control.

This has worried many Republicans across the country who don’t want their rights taken away because of criminals’ antics. Meanwhile, some Democrats have claimed the bipartisan legislation doesn’t go far enough.

The bill in question pushes states to increase their red flag laws; although, it doesn’t implement any new red flag laws at the national level.

Additional components of this gun control bill entail increasing the examinations of under 21-years-old gun buyers, boosting school resource officers’ funding, further punishments for straw purchases, an increase in school-based mental health programs, and more.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) has since responded to this legislation, per Fox News.

The NRA’s Response to the Bipartisan Gun Control Bill

In the first segment of the gun rights group’s statement, it noted its interest in stopping community violence. To do this, the NRA listed support for police, reforms to the mental health system, and more resources to protect schools as effective measures.

After stating it would need to review the bipartisan gun control legislation in its entirety before coming to an official conclusion, the NRA reiterated its opposition to blanket gun control.

The NRA confirmed any policies which trample on due process safeguards, implement gun control restrictions, or prevent lawful Americans from being able to protect themselves will be opposed by the organization.

In late May, the NRA held its annual convention in Houston, Texas.

During this time, speakers talked about both the recent mass shootings, in addition to reforms that could bring safety to communities without trampling on lawful Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

Gun Control Debates in America

Many conservatives argue the provisions in the latest bipartisan gun control bill would not have thwarted the types of mass shootings that have happened in this country as of late.

Democrats, meanwhile, are saying the legislation doesn’t go far enough. This leads Republicans to warn the ultimate objective of gun control supporters is to completely eradicate gun ownership rights in the United States.

These warnings have been further solidified by some voices on the left saying the Second Amendment should be repealed in its entirety.

What are your views about this latest bipartisan gun control bill making its way through Congress? Do you think the components in the bill are effective measures? Please be sure to let us know this in the comments area.


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