Obama Deploys Propane Tanks While Pressing For Green Initiatives


To demonstrate his support and devotion for environmentally friendly measures in the midst of rising gas prices, erstwhile President Barack Obama had three propane tanks installed on his Martha’s Vineyard properties!


As a hedge against the ever-increasing cost of goods, President Obama began using his personal storage space.

As he advocated for policies that were better for the environment and warned of the perils of climate change, the price of gasoline across the country rose to a new all-time high of $5 per gallon.

‘Preservation of Our Planet’

“When it comes to the issue of climate change, there is very little time left.”

“Earth Day serves as a reminder that each of us can contribute to the preservation and protection of our planet for the benefit of future generations if we make a promise to do our share and then carry through,” Obama said earlier this year. 

According to the department of the select board in Edgartown, Massachusetts, the underground propane tanks belonging to Obama’s property hold a combined total of 2,500 gallons of propane gas.

The tanks were assembled on the estate for “residential purposes.” 

In the United States, the price of propane gas has been rising. Estimates from October of last year suggested people who heat their homes with propane would have to spend 54% more than they would have in the winter of 2021.

The Biden administration made efforts to deflect criticism for the rise in the prices of gasoline away from themselves and onto Russian President Vladimir Putin and oil businesses.

Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre appealed to oil firms to fulfill their “patriotic duty” and reduce the cost of gasoline. 

Clean Energy Policies: Suspend Leases

Additionally, President Biden defended the clean energy policies of his administration, particularly an executive order in January 2021 that blocks new drilling approvals on federal lands.

This order was in response to claims made by some detractors that the order was impeding the production of domestic energy. 

The drilling leases in Alaska have been put on hold by the Biden White House. Democrats suggested raising taxes that are levied on the earnings of various oil firms. 

The United States Department of the Interior announced it will not go ahead with three significant oil and gas contract sales in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska’s Cook Inlet.

This means the current presidency will not hold a contract sale on coastal waters in 2022. 

The decision, which came at the end of Wednesday night, and during a time when President Biden was dealing with record-high gas prices, would end the prospects of drilling in federal waters on millions of acres of land.

The region around Cook Inlet in Alaska contains more than one million acres of federally owned land.


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