Pence Visits Albania To Support Iranian Freethinkers and Address US Strategy


Former Vice President Mike Pence, a Republican who is preparing for a prospective run for the White House in 2024, was in Albania on Thursday.

His mission is to talk with Iranian dissidents as part of a hectic travel program to discuss major domestic and international problems.

Cries of the Iranians

At the “Free Iran” conference, which will be held by the Organization of Iranian and American Communities, as well as the Iranian American Community of Northern California, Pence is slated to deliver a speech.

During his trip to Ashraf-3, which is a military outpost for the Iranian resistance group, the former vice president will give prepared remarks.

He will also take part in a question-and-answer session led by Marc Short, who was his chief of staff in the West Wing.

From what we know about Pence’s speech, he is going to talk about America’s foreign policies under the “Trump-Pence administration,” along with how hard he and former President Trump were on the dictatorial regime in Tehran.

Pence is going to remark how the United States is “honored to have stood with the freedom-loving people of Iran.”

“We terminated the Iran Nuclear Deal, which filled the regime’s coffers with billions of dollars and bags of cash, money it used to persecute its own people and finance terror acts throughout the world.”

Pence also plans to try to convince President Biden not to negotiate a new deal with Iran. The former vice president will say doing so would not stop the Middle Eastern country from getting better at acquiring nuclear weapons.

Going For the Presidency

Pence will say a revised agreement on nuclear proliferation will not bring about peace and stability. It will result in increased acts of terrorism, as well as deaths and devastation. A new agreement will not prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

In addition, Pence is going to declare it will create a path paved with gold.

A renegotiated nuclear deal will not be to the Iranian people’s advantage in any manner, shape, or form. It will give the Iranian dictatorship, which has oppressed and tormented its citizens for years, more power and wealth.

Pence touched down in Albania on Thursday, one day before his scheduled meeting with members and supporters of the principal Iranian opposition movement, the Mujahedin-e Khalq.

The home stops in Chicago, Arizona, Cincinnati, and Houston to address border protection, the economy, and energy challenges were preceded by this overseas journey to debate U.S. foreign policy and demonstrate solidarity for Iranian dissidents.

Pence made it clear he is considering a run for president in 2024. He’s said his intentions will not be affected by Trump’s choice on whether or not to run.

Besides, former President Trump ruled out the possibility of selecting Mike Pence as his VP for another presidential campaign. However, it is quite unlikely the former vice president would be interested in taking such a position.


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