Pro-Abortion Terrorists Ramping Up Attacks


The leak of the Supreme Court’s draft decision overturning Roe v. Wade in May was a dark moment in this country’s history. It compromised the security of our nation’s top court and undermined our legal system.

Following the leak, there were widespread protests and outrage as pro-abortion individuals raged about the right of a woman to choose to terminate a pregnancy.

These protests also took place outside the homes of pro-life justices, including Brett Kavanaugh and John Roberts’ homes in DC.

At first, the Biden regime did nothing; when pressed, they finally sent US Marshals to stand guard near the homes.

Attempted Killer Arrested Outside Kavanaugh’s House

Now, a would-be assassin has been arrested outside Brett Kavanaugh’s home and named as 26-year-old Nicholas Roske of Simi Valley, California.

He reportedly flew from California to DC, jumped in a taxi, and then showed up ready to murder Kavanaugh, and possibly kidnap or harm Kavanaugh’s kids and wife, as well.

This comes after a series of attacks on pregnancy resource centers and churches across the country in the past few days and before that. Once again, we see clear evidence of what the far left does when they don’t get their way: resort to violence.

Roske was found with a handgun, pepper spray, handcuffs, duct tape and a long knife. He said he was seeking a “reason” for being alive and killing Kavanaugh would give it to him.

Roske told police he found the address of Kavanaugh’s home online. Various pro-abortion groups posted Kavanaugh’s address online to help protesters and attackers find and harm him.

Previously, Senator Chuck Schumer directly threatened and incited violence against Kavanaugh for his vote to overturn Roe that was leaked.

What Happened?

According to reports, Roske called police on himself after reaching Kavanaugh’s residence. He said he planned to kill the justice and then himself.

Pro-abortion group “Ruth Sent Us” said they aren’t responsible for him finding the address they put up.

They added Kavanaugh is a “white supremacist” and “an abusive alcoholic” and encouraged more disruption. The group also implied Roske didn’t have a weapon, which is false: he did have a gun.

They also taunted Kavanaugh’s daughters, saying clearly Mitch McConnell and Republicans didn’t really care for their safety and hadn’t done anything to protect them.

The Bottom Line

The rule of law is gone in this country. Only leftists and their institutions and allies can expect a fair trial or protection at this point.

This is an egregious situation that was barely stopped from being much worse.

Kavanaugh and the other justices should have much more security at their homes. These protests need to stop, especially since they provide more psychopaths knowledge of where the justices live and their homes’ vulnerabilities.


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