Questions Over Britain’s New Leader: Who Will It Be?


In the race to succeed Boris Johnson as the future leader of the Conservative party and, therefore, the future Prime Minister of the British Isles, Nigel Farage has endorsed Attorney General Suella Braverman.

This endorsement came because of her staunch support for implementing Brexit.

What the Big Names Have to Say

Nigel “Mr. Brexit” Farage endorsed Suella Braverman, 42, who served as the leader of the staunchly pro-Brexit European Research Team of MPs from 2017 to 2018.

She was the only contender to promise to have the UK withdraw from the ECHR in order to “regain control” of the country’s borders.

Nigel Farage claimed on Wednesday night that Braverman is “the only one truly expressing what has to be done” after the first round of polling in the leadership campaign.

During this time, she was narrowly above the barrier of the 30 vote bar with 32 votes among her fellow MPs.

The only one who is currently prepared to speak up and demand action is Braverman. The UK is presently still obligated by the ECHR, notwithstanding leaving the European Union.

Though it is technologically outside of the EU, even though it wants to share the same patriotic song and flag.

It is predicated in the same “European Quarter” premises in Strasbourg, France, he said in regard to her role on the ECHR.

“Now it may be that her stress will get someone to change their view overnight,” he said.

The ECHR was able to stop a repatriation flight of unauthorized immigrants to an asylum processing facility in Rwanda last month.

This is because Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s administration failed to have Britain removed from the pan-European court.

The Competition

Braverman has set herself apart from the competition by advocating for a thorough examination of all EU-influenced regulations that are still in effect in Britain.

On Thursday evening, Braverman made a statement on her own behalf to British television station Sky News, saying the following:

“I believe I’m the only genuine Brexiteer to continue the Brexit pledges enclosed in our 2019 policy platform, to deliver on our pledges.”

“Notably I’m the only contender largely intact who is truthful about the remedy to fixing undocumented immigration, namely the boats crossing the channel.”

Theresa May’s former defense secretary Penny Mordaunt, retired Chancellor Rishi Sunak, and retired Lib-Dem Remainer Liz Truss, according to Mr. Farage, could also be disqualified from voting.

This would leave the door open for a left-wing, anti-Brexit alliance and prevent the government from implementing a “proper Brexit.”

That is how serious and horrible this is, according to Mr. Farage. If the Conservatives fail to acknowledge the need for fresh politics, a coalition between the Liberal Democrats and Labour is on the horizon.

The slogan of the Brexit party, “Change politics for good,” is still relevant today.


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