Radical Left Driver Crashes Car into Trump Merch Store

"171220-maga.jpg" by r.nial bradshaw

The Easton, MA police department reports a person driving a Volkswagen Jetta crashed their car into a pro-Trump goodie store; albeit no shoppers sustained any injuries from this embarrassingly blatant hate crime.

Apparently, the vehicle in question was driven by a 46-year-old Raynham resident who’d been known for sharing anti-Trump content on his social media.

He’s been transported to a nearby medical center for the treatment of the injuries caused by the crash.

“IMG_5241” by Elvert Barnes

The US needs MAGA now more than ever

However, a different local news outlet reported the driver’s been taken into custody immediately by Easton police.

His car was towed away from the scene, mere minutes after the police work got completed.

Thankfully, the mother and child who were spotted entering the store before the crash happened walked away unharmed; whereas the clerk attending the store was lucky enough to have taken a bathroom break at the exact same time.


The store owner, Keith Lambert, was relieved to find out no one had gotten hurt by the incident; it’s unclear whether he’s looking to press any charges at the time, as the investigation is still underway.

As it stands, the store is now closed for the time being until all the necessary repairs are completed. In this economy, this is likely to put a huge dent in the Lambert family’s finances.

The midterm elections are right around the corner

A local reporter, Sabrina Silva, stated the family will continue operating their business from outside a pickup truck parked outside the store, assuring the Lamberts will get back on their feet in no time.

Photos of the vehicle that crashed into the store show a number of anti-Trump bumper stickers on the Jetta, including one with a picture of the former president, captioned with quite the distasteful quote.

This is just one in a series of violent crimes committed by left radicalists looking to smear Donald Trump’s name; many more acts of vandalism are expected to pop up anywhere the MAGA spirit still lives on.

With the midterms right around the corner, it’s hard to blame Democrats for being as salty as they are. The right is taking a massive lead in all the polls, which is bound to spark tensions between liberals and conservatives.


Unfortunately, violent crimes like the aforementioned are no way to settle things.

Considering the negative attention the left’s been getting recently over Biden’s tanking approval rating and growing crime rates in Democrat-run cities, more and more Americans are turning to the GOP for answers to the crisis.

It remains unclear whether Trump will be the Republican candidate for the 2024 election.

There are still party members who believe a younger candidate would be more fit for the position. Until then, the best we can do is sit back and watch the Biden administration dig its own grave.


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