Roe Ruling is an Exercise in Sheer Political Authority, Says Biden


President Joe Biden, this past Friday, made a swipe at the Supreme Court over its judgment to nullify Roe v. Wade last month. 

He did so as he authorized an executive order to enhance abortion rights fully. President Biden criticized the court as being “out of control” and trying to take away women’s rights. 

Not Guided By the Constitution?

During his statements at the White House, President Biden commented the action taken by the Supreme Court was not a judgment guided by the Constitution.

He said this was not a choice influenced by previous events in history. According to Biden, the decision we are currently experiencing was not one based on the Constitution.

This was a demonstration of unbridled political power. 

Biden went on to say the court is essentially issuing a challenge to the women of America, telling them to go to the polls and restore the rights SCOTUS just stripped away from them. 

Biden ridiculed the decision handed down on June 24 by the Supreme Court to completely remove the nearly half-century-old judicial right to abortion and hand states the power to severely limit or ban the process.

He said the Supreme Court was operating with extremist components of the Republican Party. Biden said this while mocking the decision. 

The president then contended the Supreme Court, in essence, issued a dilemma to the American public to cast ballots in November for legislators who would endorse codifying the safeguards of Roe v. Wade into federal law. 

Executive Order

In the two weeks since the judgment from the conservative-majority court, Biden’s comments represented some of the most severe criticism he has leveled against the Supreme Court.

It comes at a time when some officials in the Democrat Party have been dismissive of Biden for his response to the pulling back of abortion rights, saying he has not been forceful enough in his reaction. 

In a move that took place on Friday, Biden issued an executive order with the goals of expanding access to abortion drugs and contraception, as well as enhancing privacy protections surrounding reproductive healthcare. 

However, while speaking about this executive order, the president had a flub where he read from the teleprompter a personal directive, one advising him to “repeat the line.”

Biden stated the order will guarantee access to contraception and abortion treatment, safeguard patient privacy, and form an interagency task group to employ every possible federal instrument to safeguard reproductive healthcare treatment availability. 

Per a fact sheet issued by the White House, this will also boost the amount of effort put into state schooling.

It will strengthen the safety of, as well as the legal alternatives accessible to, both people seeking abortion procedures and those who deliver them.


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