Russia Captures US Fighters in Ukraine, Death Sentences Likely


For the first time, the Russian military invading Ukraine at Putin’s orders has captured American volunteers fighting for the freedom of the Ukrainians.

They are likely to get death sentences by firing squads in sham trials, just as two British volunteers already have.

An unspecified, fair number of American citizens, mostly ex-military, are known to be among some 20,000 international volunteers fighting on Ukraine’s side.

Sudden Ambush By Overwhelming Russian Force

The two captured Americans are 39-year-old Robert Drueke and 27-year-old Andy Huynh. Both of them are ex-servicemen in the US military; both are from the state of Alabama, The Daily Mail reported.

Drueke was in the US Army and served time in Iraq. Huynh is a former US Marine who hadn’t seen combat, prior to deciding to fight for the freedom of Ukraine.

It remains unknown whether the two Alabama natives snatched by Putin’s brutes had known each before going to face the Russian aggressors.

According to reports, Drueke and Huynh were captured on the outskirts of the city of Kharkiv.

After Ukrainians beat back the initial offensive of the Russians, they have more or less been able to secure the city and liberate some of its regions where harrowing Russian war crimes were committed.

Since last week, however, Russians have been staging counter-attacks to the Ukrainian counter-attacks; that was probably when they caught the two American fighters.

The US State Department confirmed it is “aware” of the reports about the capturing of the two brave men, but hasn’t offered any comments; neither has Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin nor Mark Milley, the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman.

A spokesperson for the White House also confirmed its awareness of the capture of the two Americans.

(Photos via The Daily Mail)

They Might Be Executed By Firing Squad

Drueke’s mother back home in Alabama confirmed she is in touch with the US government. The US Embassy in Ukraine told her that her son is still being sought alive. She said she hopes he can be exchanged for Russian POWs.

The fate of the two Americans remains a huge question mark, though. It would be no surprise if Russians actually go through with death sentences for the newly captured American heroes.

The capture of the two American soldiers in Ukraine comes just as President Joe Biden announced a new package of military aid to the Ukrainians worth $1 billion.

This, while significant, is still vastly insufficient, as the Russians keep outgunning the defenders of the free world.

The general understanding is given the efficiency and military competence of Ukrainians, along with their high spirits and morale, they would crush flawed Russian troops on the battlefield in a matter of weeks, if provided with sufficient western heavy weaponry.


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