Schiff Admits DOJ Faces Hard Choice on Trump Even After Strong Evidence


Even though there is sufficient evidence, in his opinion, to demonstrate criminal conduct, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) admitted on Sunday that trying to prosecute former President Trump presents a tough choice for the Justice Department. 


He made the statement, despite the fact that there is enough evidence to show criminal behavior. 

The Jan. 6 panel, of which Schiff is a member, has been extremely busy with a summer program of hearings aimed at drawing a connection between Trump’s efforts to alter the results of the 2020 election and the disturbance in the Capitol.

Merrick Garland, the attorney general, stated he and other prosecutors followed the proceedings. 

Schiff stated on NBC News’s Meet the Press there is compelling proof to suggest Trump was aware he lost the election to Joe Biden.

This alleged proof exists even though Trump exerted pressure on allies and authorities in his own administration, including high command in the Justice Department, to investigate his allegations of widespread fraud.

He stated he concurred with the judge who had indicated in March that Trump probably committed crimes relating to the election for the 2020 presidency.

In relation to the incident that occurred on January 6, Schiff stated he observed a stronger sense of urgency from the Justice Department than he had seen in the past.

Nevertheless, the Democrat mentioned, “I have yet to see any evidence that the past president himself is under examination.”

This comes after a number of subpoenas were served to a variety of people in a mixture of states throughout the course of the previous week.

In the meantime, Trump has criticized the operations of the January 6 committee, claiming that they are part of a diplomatic witch hunt. 

Investigations and 2024

In spite of the fact the congressman claimed there is “enough evidence to support the theory the former president broke many federal statutes,” he conceded it is a very tough choice for the attorney general to determine whether or not to prosecute Trump.

Schiff went on to say when there is proof in front of you, making the option to investigate is not a tough one. 

In addition to this, Schiff issued a warning regarding politicians sponsored by Trump who are running for state-level jobs.

This especially deals with jobs that would have control of the electoral process if Trump were to compete for the White House once more in 2024.

Schiff stated, “I think the worst-case possibility is not that Donald Trump runs for president and wins, but rather that he runs for president and loses, and they overturn the election.”

“There is no deterrence because there is no effort to push back and hold individuals accountable.”

In the end, we’ll have to wait and see how things unfold.


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