South America is Turning Back to Communism


South America is not a continent that most of us think of very often in America.

However, South and Central America are both very important because of our close economic ties and the waves of migrants who enter our country from there, both legal and illegal.

What happens in South America affects us all; what’s currently happening is not good.

There is a stereotype about South America that it tends to elect either right or left-wing dictators to solve its problems.

The truth is South America elects far left lunatics and occasionally a moderate conservative, like Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil, who tries to resist their genocidal tendencies.

The danger of letting the Latino left run amok is currently on full display in the troubled nation of Colombia. It is one step away from following Venezuela down the rabbit-hole into a pseudo-socialist inferno of death and misery.

Colombia on the Brink

Colombian communist Gustavo Petro is currently on the brink of winning the country’s elections.

On June 19, the country will hold its run off election, with Petro in a race that’s exactly tied with his opponent Rodolfo Hernandez, more of a centrist and right wing populist.

Petro’s ideas are exactly what you’d expect from a hard-left authoritarian. He blames the rich for Colombia’s problems. He says hiking taxes and putting all sorts of money into green energy will save the country from a dark future.

Petro’s other opponent, Federico Gutiérrez, has fallen behind in the first round; it’s now only Petro and Hernandez. Petro’s team is confident they can get the young behind his socially liberal platform. 

Petro is Literally an Ex-Terrorist

Petro isn’t just a dyed-in-the-wool leftist; he’s also a terrorist. He participated in the M-19 guerilla faction and got trained up in Cuba to spread socialist revolution.

The group was dismantled in the 1990s, but became famous prior to that for bold actions, including attacking Colombia’s parliament and holding its jurors hostage.

Over 100 individuals died in that attack; although Petro was in jail at the time. Still, he blames all that violence on the government and police for resisting their liberation.

In other words, it’s their fault for fighting back: a common view we now see growing on the American left about those who resist crime and low-bail parolees here in America.

Petro says he first got into politics when he saw his dad cry in the late 1960s after the death of Argentine revolutionary and Cuban revolution leader Ernesto “Che” Guevara.

He may be interested to know his type of cultural Marxism was fiercely opposed by Che, who saw homosexuality and identity politics as bourgeois, capitalist indulgences deserving of the death penalty.

The Bottom Line

There’s a good chance Colombia will soon slide down the road to being the next Venezuela with a green energy veneer. Dark times are ahead.


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