Stacey Abrams Flipped to Pro-Police to Win Her Election


Democratic gubernatorial candidate for Georgia, Stacey Abrams, remained a consistent advocate of defunding the police.

However, she is now campaigning for funding law enforcement agencies as she moves toward the November election, knowing voters do not resonate with anti-police policies.

Biggest Anti-Police Activist in Georgia Now Campaigning on Police Funding

Brian Kemp, the incumbent Republican governor of Georgia, released a campaign ad in which he exposed Abrams for her hypocrisy regarding police funding.

The governor noted in the ad that Abrams’ soft-hearted policies on crime will be detrimental to the future of the state.

Responding to this ad, Abrams tweeted she will raise the base salaries of law enforcement agencies once she is elected as the governor of Georgia in November.


She also attached the link to her campaign website, which details her policy regarding law enforcement agencies.

These comments of the liberal gubernatorial candidate are against her previous actions. She is a board member of a far-left group, Marguerite Casey Foundation, which funded anti-police campaigns since its inception.

The same group launched its landmark initiative “Answer the Uprising” last year, which poured in big money towards liberal groups that worked on law enforcement issues. 

Furthermore, the Marguerite Casey Foundation also established its ties with another far-left organization that worked on police-defunding campaigns.

The foundation launched its Answer the Uprising campaign on the first anniversary of racial justice protests that marred the country after the death of George Floyd.

According to the press release by the foundation, the initiative was unanimously backed by its seven board members, including Stacey Abrams. Whereas Abrams’ campaign website still suggests she disagrees with the group on this issue. 

According to her financial disclosures, Abrams also received $52,000 from the anti-police organization.

Abrams Double-Speaking on Police Defunding Issue

While she remained an ardent supporter of police defunding campaigns for most of her life, Abrams is eye-washing voters by not campaigning for this issue publicly.

Experts believe the primary reason for this transition is voters’ perception, as most of them view police defunding negatively.

If she openly campaigns against the police in Georgia’s election, she is unlikely to win the support of moderate Democrats.

Even after the repetitive calls from pro-police groups and Republican politicians, Abrams is still reluctant to resign from the board of the anti-police foundation.

Recently, Kemp’s campaign also urged the liberal politician to resign if she was truly willing to support law enforcement agencies. 

Tate Mitches, Kemp’s press secretary, likewise noted Abrams is now colluding with her liberal foundation to erase her history of supporting anti-police campaigns.

She is not the only Democrat who has double-talked on the issue.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Biden also campaigned for anti-police drives in the past, only to change their viewpoints later to lure more moderate voters ahead of the high-stake elections.


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