Stacey Abrams’ Fundraising Ties Set Off Alarm Bells


In Georgia, Democrat Stacey Abrams is running to be governor. Abrams previously ran for the post back in 2018; however, her campaign went down in flames as Brian Kemp, the current GOP incumbent governor, ended up defeating her.

Nevertheless, Abrams is back at it again. Since she and Kemp both won their party primaries, they will now face off against each other in the general election.

As the Georgia Democrat works to become the next governor of her state, she’s fundraising and doing all she can to draw in support.

However, Abrams’ fundraising has raised questions about her political connections, along with the connections of those aiding her campaign, per Fox News.

Questionable Political Ties

Stephanie Beatriz, one of Abrams’ political donors and fundraising hosts, has been found to have ties to anti-police groups. Back in 2020, Beatriz used her Twitter feed to fundraise for Community Justice Exchange, a group that is notoriously opposed to police.

Community Justice Exchange cites its goals as working to shut down incarceration, along with abolishing law enforcement and immigration detention.

This is compounded by Abrams’ own presence on the Marguerite Casey Foundation board. After the Georgia Democrat became a board member, the foundation actually increased funding that is designed to work against law enforcement.

Abrams’ staffers have previously claimed that she doesn’t share all the views of the Marguerite Casey Foundation. Yet, at the end of the day, she’s still on the board and still collecting money from the organization.

More Troubling Aspects of Abrams’ Gubernatorial Run

During a recent public speech, Abrams made some comments about Georgia that stood out to many people…and not in a good way.

The Democrat admitted that she’s grown fed up with hearing people talk about what an awesome state Georgia is for doing business. According to Abrams, her irritation toward hearing this boils down to Georgia being “the worst” place to reside in the country.

Many Americans, both in and out of Georgia, thought this was strange. Abrams claiming that Georgia is the worst place for people to call home comes in spite of her having at least two different residences in the state.

Other people said that if Abrams truly hates the state of Georgia so much, she’s got no business running to be governor there.

To this day, the Georgia Democrat has yet to clarify these remarks or explain why she’s running for office in a state that she deemed as “the worst.”

What do you think about Stacey Abrams’ political ties and the ties of people fundraising for her? Do you believe she’s going to end up becoming the next governor of Georgia?

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