Summit of the Americas Exposes Biden’s Feebleness


During the 2020 presidential election, voters were made aware that Joe Biden toured Latin America 16 times. So, hopes were high for the Biden presidency’s Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles this year. 

The summit ended yesterday, but it’s a failure already. 


To begin with, few leaders came. Due to their human rights records, Biden did not invite Cuba, Nicaragua, or Venezuela to the conference.

This might have managed to earn Biden legitimacy as a human rights defender if he hadn’t also begged Saudi Arabia to boost oil production, which they denied. 

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said he would forgo the conference if Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela were not invited.

He was soon joined by the rulers of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, as well as Bolivia. Biden didn’t invite Cuba and the others.

Obrador and his allies boycotted the summit. As a result, no one came, and nothing was done. 

That’s a tragedy because there’s much progress to be made in Latin America, especially on migration. The Biden presidency still mischaracterizes what causes migratory flows in the area. Americans will suffer greatly. 

VP Kamala Harris informed the few summit people in attendance Wednesday, “Most people don’t want to leave home.” She said those who leave are “fleeing harm” or “can’t meet their needs.” 

This is false for anyone with a basic understanding of the immigration crisis. Migrants are rushing to the southern border since they can make more income in the U.S. than in their native countries.

They’re also coming because they know the Biden presidency will consider releasing them into the U.S., liberated to go wherever they want, and ICE will make no effort to find them. 

Uptick With Biden

This is why border arrests rose after Biden took office. Biden told Latin American nations he would tear down ex-President Trump’s border security initiatives, making it much easier for them to come live in the U.S. 

“You should come,” Biden told migrants at a 2019 Democratic primary debate.

After Biden won, they did. Over 1.35 million illegal immigrants have been caught and released by Biden, and thousands more arrive daily. 

Not even Obama was this ineffective on border security. Experiencing a similar border spike in 2014, Obama pressed then-Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto to beef up border security, sending $100 million to help him.

Nieto expanded the number of Border Patrol agents on Mexico’s southern border and added mobile checkpoints. Migration fell after enforcement. 

Obrador opposes border security, calling unhindered migration to the U.S. a “human right.” Biden hasn’t even tried what Trump did.

Trump threatened to impose tariffs on Mexican imported goods unless Obrador supported “Remain in Mexico.” Obrador bowed to Trump’s pressure, Remain in Mexico took effect, and illegal migration dropped. 

Biden lacks the vision and will to get other nations to control mass undocumented immigration; the region will suffer.


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