Supreme Court Comes to Rescue Gun Rights in America


The Supreme Court reversed a century-old New York law that restricted gun rights for Americans.

This decision marks a big success for gun rights advocates who struggled to defend their cause, especially in the wake of the Texas school shooting.

This urged bipartisan lawmakers to propose a new gun control framework.

Supreme Court Moves Forward to Protect Gun Rights

In its landmark ruling by 6-3, the Supreme Court voided a century-old law in New York that restricted people’s ability to carry concealed weapons in the state.

Previously, handgun holders had to show “proper cause” in order to carry guns, but Justice Clarence Thomas noted the law was violating the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.

So, citizens will no longer need any “proper cause” in order to carry handguns in the state now.

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote in the concurring opinion that the latest decision will still not overcome existing laws that block the access of guns to felons and mentally ill people.

Similarly, the existing restrictions on carrying firearms in “sensitive locations” will also remain implemented.

According to the ruling, the Second Amendment to the Constitution allows the government to introduce gun regulations. This way, states can still implement laws for background checks and firearms training to make people eligible for gun ownership.

The ruling also mentioned the Second Amendment allows individuals to carry their weapons during a confrontation, which can happen outside the home, as well.

While the verdict is directly related to a New York law, it will be equally valid for many different states with similar gun laws.

Some of the other states likely to be impacted by this decision are California, New Jersey, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Maryland.

A Big Loss For Anti-Gun Advocates

Republican lawmakers also stepped forward to praise the landmark verdict.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy noted the Supreme Court’s decision would wrap up “burdensome” laws of New York, which deprived people of their constitutional rights.

Liberals have already cried foul over the decision. President Biden stated he is extremely dissatisfied with the Supreme Court ruling, which defies “common sense and the Constitution.”

New York Governor Kathy Hochul called it a “dark day” in American history. She told the justices the ruling would restore the time of 1788, adding muskets were the only weapons available back then, which is not the case these days.

The governor also signaled to curb gun rights using the state legislature.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams had the same opinion. He asserted he would not let the state turn into the “wild, wild west.”

Adams said the city would revise its policies to define the “sensitive locations” so firearms can be banned at the maximum possible locations.

The verdict mobilized senators as well, who passed the bipartisan gun framework in a 65-33 vote later Thursday. 15 Republican senators, including Mitch McConnell, sided with Democrats, while two Republicans were absent from the meeting.


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