Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade Decision

"0002" by Susan Ruggles

After the Supreme Court of the United States overturned the long-standing Roe v. Wade decision, effectively banning abortion in the US, hundreds of thousands of pro-choice activists took to the streets in protest.

Major cities like New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and San Francisco were overrun with pro-choice activists.

This ultimately led to some of these protests becoming heated as fights between the woke crowd and counter-protesters started to break out.

“In Front of SCOTUS” by John Brighenti

Woke left didn’t take SCOTUS decision lightly

In fact, it was the “peaceful” left that threw the first punch at the Rhode Island State House, where a counter-protester was tackled and beaten by one of the liberals.

Boston Globe reporter Alexa Gagosz was reporting from the scene, showing the aforementioned counter-protester wasn’t being violent.

He was merely asked to leave, after which he was punched in the face several times, earning him a trip to the local hospital.

Soon enough, the police got involved as well, charging both parties involved in the conflict with disorderly conduct, which, compared to Phoenix, Arizona, was pretty tame.

In Phoenix, the police department was forced to fire tear gas and flashbangs to keep the increasingly violent protesters away. After this, the state’s Senate was evacuated, due to reports of there being a security breach.

Arizona crowd gets pepper-sprayed

Apparently, the pro-choice crowd joined forces with the Arizona teachers that were there to protest the most recently signed education funding bill. That led to them breaking into Arizona’s Capitol building during the vote.

Iowa on the other hand, was far more turbulent, with there being video records of a truck attempting to drive through the area, only to be stopped by one of the protesters.

After this, the driver chose to power through the crowd, albeit with next to no injury to any of the bystanders.

As for the Washington D.C. Police Department, it quickly sent out hundreds of riot gear-equipped officers on the streets around SCOTUS to prevent the “Antifa” crowd from entering the premises.

What’s more, protests were even held in cities where the practice would retain its current legality status, such as Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Although this was to be expected, considering the pushback from Californians that happened when this scenario was originally brought up a couple of months ago.

Others went the extra step though, crossing the fine line between protest and threatening behavior by lining up outside Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s house; though, luckily, less than ten woke, pro-choice “activists” appeared there.

This kind of behavior wasn’t unexpected from the left. We’ve seen them protest just about anything if it doesn’t align with their narrative, which goes to show exactly how dedicated to absurdity the group actually is.


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