Trump Attacks Rusty Bowers Before His Jan. 6 Committee Appearance


On Tuesday, erstwhile President Trump lashed out at the Republican Speaker of the House for the state of Arizona, Rusty Bowers. 

Bowers is scheduled to appear before the House review panel investigating the riot in the Capitol on January 6, 2021, along with election workers from Georgia. 

Bowers, a RINO?

In a statement that was distributed by Trump’s Save America PAC, the president said, “Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers is the newest Republican in Name Only to go along with the Unselect Committee.” 

He also asserted Bowers told him after 2020 that he’d have lost his reelection campaign for his Arizona House seat if it weren’t for the assistance of the former president. 

It is expected that Bowers, together with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) and his vice, Gabe Sterling, will testify before the panel of the House review panel.

This will come as lawmakers attempt to demonstrate the scope of President Trump’s involvement in the series of attacks on state authorities to overturn the conclusion of the 2020 election. 

Despite appeals by Trump and Rudy Giuliani to postpone or alter election results, the Speaker of the House for the state of Arizona rejected efforts to reverse the results of the 2020 election in the state.

He ended up joining a number of other key swing states that Trump did not win. In the end, Bowers avoided being recalled from office in his state. 

A proposal to allow outcomes of either the primary or national elections to be rejected by the legislature of Arizona was effectively killed in February by Republicans from the state.

Preserving Democracy

Bowers stated to Capitol Media Services at the time, “For anybody to say we have an absolute right to overthrow a public vote for something we suspect may have occurred, where is the evidence?” 

He would later be named one of the five beneficiaries of the 2022 John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award for “their fortitude to defend and protect democracy.”

Other honorees included erstwhile Georgia election employee Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, who will testify before the committee later. Additional honorees also comprise select review panel vice chairwoman Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY). 

These comments come as President Trump persists in weighing in on the investigations into events that took place on January 6.

During this time, the former president has been repeating phony election fraud allegations. Trump’s also been criticizing previous individuals, such as former VP Mike Pence and former Attorney General William Barr. 

As a direct result of what he said, new rumors have started about the former president’s possible run for office in 2024, which may be jeopardized because of the hearings.

Although Trump hasn’t revealed that he is worried about the outcome, his supporters have shown concern.


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