Violence Erupts in US Cities After Roe v. Wade


Protests persisted outside the High Court of Justiciary and later that evening outside the residences of Republican-appointed justices.

This happened just one day after the U.S. Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, returning state control over abortion legislation.

They Forget January 6

U.S. Capitol Police detained two persons at the Supreme Court after they were accused of throwing paint over the building’s perimeter fence and causing property damage.

Protesters who opposed the Dobbs v. Jackson decision held homemade signs. They spoke in an analysis of conversations with The Epoch Times, expressing shock and fury in the scorching midday sun.

Dina, a demonstrator holding a placard that said, “Alito, as well as Thomas, Revel in Their Cruelty,” in reference to Supreme Court Judges Samuel Alito, as well as Clarence Thomas, stated, “I feel like I’m not recognized as a full citizen.”

Sam Goldman, a 35-year-old Philadelphia preschool teacher, referred to the decision and the Supreme Court as “illegitimate.” Any restrictions on abortion, in her opinion, amounted to “forced parenthood.”

Goldman claimed to be a co-initiator of the organization that advocates for “Abortion On Demand & Without Apologies.”

She spoke to the rally attendees and voiced her displeasure about the choice, claiming  Biden hadn’t mentioned abortion in the past 400 days.

Call For Court to Be Packed By Protesters

The Epoch Times came across many demonstrators who openly supported adding more justices to the Supreme Court.

Ben, a demonstrator who spoke to The Epoch Times while donning a mask, asserted he didn’t think the Supreme Court adequately represented the people.

He was holding two signs: “Expand the Court,” as well as, “We Demand Bodily Autonomy.”

“As a nation, it is our duty to ensure the Supreme Court really reflects the will of the people, but at the moment, that is not the situation. Six justices of the Supreme Court currently represent a minority of Americans,” he claimed.

He said he previously attended demonstrations for Black Lives Matter, abortion rights, and the 2016 protest march.

The Mississippi statute prohibiting abortion 15 weeks after conception was upheld by the Supreme Court by a 6-3 majority on Friday. The Roe v. Wade judgment from 1973 and the Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision from 1992 were both overturned by a 5-4 vote.

Since the Roe v. Wade decision, all around the country, abortions up to 24 weeks of gestation have been legal.

In the meanwhile, the Casey judgment upheld the Roe decision and barred legislation that imposes an “undue hardship” on a woman’s access to get an abortion. State control over abortion legislation has been restored with the overturning of Roe and Casey.

According to a research organization, 26 of the 50 states in the United States will probably or definitely outlaw most abortions, as a result of the Friday ruling.


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