White House Downplays Gas Prices, Calls For “Thankfulness” to Biden


High gas costs are a major problem for people all over the United States. These gas prices impact Americans’ ability to afford everyday living, necessary commutes, and other expenses.

The rates Americans are paying for gas today are entirely avoidable. If Biden facilitated pipelines, oil drilling, fracking, and other pro-energy initiatives, gas wouldn’t cost what it does.

However, Biden continues to impede these initiatives because of his agenda on climate change.

During an interview with Reuters, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was questioned about if Americans should be concerned about high gas costs and avoid driving to keep costs down.

Jean-Pierre responded by completely spinning the situation to make Biden look good, as documented by Washington Examiner.

The White House on Gas Prices and July 4 Travel

According to the press secretary, Americans are doing what they feel is best.

Jean-Pierre also explained that people’s comfort levels with traveling to be with loved ones are ultimately thanks to Biden working to get Americans vaccinated.

Jean-Pierre was also certain to claim the “pendulum swinging” is because of Biden’s work as president. This came after the press secretary claimed she personally wasn’t in the position to dictate what Americans should do regarding driving for the upcoming holiday.

These statements come as the White House has been striving to push COVID vaccines on small children. The administration’s also landed in a back-and-forth with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on this issue.

Biden and his aides have taken aim at DeSantis for refusing to use Florida state powers to purchase COVID vaccine batches for young kids.

The Florida governor explained there’s absolutely no science to show kids get significantly ill or lose their lives to the virus.

This follows Sen. Rand Paul recently getting Fauci to admit there’s zero data to demonstrate that kids who take COVID booster shots are protected from being hospitalized or losing their lives to COVID.

A Non-starter For Americans

Despite the White House’s spin on holiday travel coming up, it still doesn’t change the prices of gas.

Various aides for the president repeatedly contend the reduction of gas prices is his priority. Meanwhile, Biden continues to reject the very policies that would actually bring down gas prices.

At the end of the day, the Biden administration is putting its climate change agenda first and foremost. This is why staffers for the White House keep reiterating the need for “green energy” and cracking down on the oil sector.

As long as the officials in charge embrace these policies, gas costs won’t be going down anytime soon.

What do you think about the White House’s response to questions on gas prices and whether Americans should reduce travel to lower costs? Please share your views in the comments area with us.


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