Kamala Harris Under Fire for Supporting IRS Crackdown on Worker Tips, Then Backtracking


Vice President Kamala Harris is facing significant backlash for her recent shift in tax policy regarding service workers' tips. Just two years after casting a crucial tie-breaking vote to pass the Inflation Reduction Act—a piece of legislation that provided the IRS with $80 billion in additional funding, enabling it to track and tax workers' tips—Harris is now advocating for the elimination of taxes on tips. This move, which echoes a policy first proposed by former President Donald Trump, has left many questioning her consistency and sincerity.

In August 2022, Harris's vote was instrumental in passing the Inflation Reduction Act, a broad legislative package aimed at addressing inflation, climate change, and healthcare costs. However, one of its more controversial aspects was the increased funding for the IRS, which critics argue has been used to target low-income workers in the service industry. The IRS subsequently introduced the Service Industry Tip Compliance Agreement (SITCA) program, designed to monitor and enforce tip reporting by employers. This initiative has sparked fears that the agency is focusing its efforts on service workers, many of whom rely heavily on tips to make ends meet​.

The SITCA program, which began rolling out in early 2023, allows the IRS to track tips through employers' point-of-sale systems, ensuring that all gratuities are reported and taxed. This move has been widely criticized by conservative groups and service industry advocates who see it as an overreach by the federal government. Mike Palicz of Americans for Tax Reform has been particularly vocal, arguing that the IRS is unfairly targeting waitresses and other low-wage workers under the guise of closing the tax gap.

In a surprising turn of events, Harris recently expressed her support for eliminating taxes on tips, a position that directly contradicts her earlier legislative actions. During a campaign stop in Nevada, a key battleground state where she is trailing Trump, Harris announced that she would work to remove the tax burden on tips for service and hospitality workers. This announcement came just weeks after Trump made a similar pledge, leading to accusations that Harris is merely copying Trump's policy to gain political advantage​.

The timing of Harris's new stance has raised eyebrows, particularly given her role in bolstering the IRS's ability to tax tips. Critics argue that this shift is a transparent attempt to win over voters in Nevada, where polls show her lagging behind Trump. The RealClearPolitics average shows Trump leading by a significant margin, which has likely influenced Harris's sudden policy reversal​.

Harris's new position has drawn mixed reactions. Some see it as a positive step toward easing the financial strain on service workers, while others view it as a cynical political maneuver designed to shore up support in crucial states. The hashtag #CopyCatKamala has been trending on social media, with users pointing out the irony of Harris adopting a policy first championed by her potential 2024 rival.

This controversy underscores the challenges Harris faces as she navigates the complex terrain of tax policy and electoral politics. Her previous support for the Inflation Reduction Act, with its emphasis on IRS enforcement, has now come back to haunt her, casting doubt on the authenticity of her latest policy proposals. As the 2024 election approaches, Harris will need to address these inconsistencies if she hopes to gain the trust of voters, particularly those in the service industry who feel targeted by her past actions​.

In conclusion, Kamala Harris's recent reversal on taxing workers' tips highlights the difficulties of balancing policy with political expediency. Her attempt to align with Trump's popular proposal may help her in the short term, but it also opens her up to accusations of inconsistency and opportunism, issues that could prove damaging as she seeks to solidify her position in the upcoming presidential race.


  1. Don’t let kamalaladingbat do the arms embargo against Israel! They need our help, they are our only ally in the Middle East! Biden, Obama , Schumer , sanders and others are against Israel. We must stand with them! Jewish voters, please do not vote for the demonrats!


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